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(78 People Likes) Why do people buy sex dolls?

Unlike any other blow up doll , mine is made of silicone .
At one time in my life , women acted terrible towards me and have done nasty things that I’ve disagreed with . Unhappy with my experience with women , I retreated back to my house and had only the internet as my companion .
After making the internet as my companion , I became lonely and thus made porn as my sexual partner . Once porn became my woman , I was jacking off constantly Best Sex Dolls .
That moment , I began browsing around , trying to find porn that would turn me on , that is until I came across a website that sold silicone sex dolls .
Fascinated , I visited the website , and lo and behold , I was shown silicone sex dolls that were very lifelike . Within that instant , I was fascinated and wanted to purchase one .
After further study of the website , I learned that the silicone sex dolls I was after was at least five grand or more . But because I was feeling rather lonely , I wasn’t put off by the price and chose to work hard and save for one .
When I was ready to make my purchase , I looked carefully in the website , trying to piece together my ideal doll .
Since I was infatuated with the young actress Samantha Esteban at the time , I made my silicone sex doll closely resemble her .
After making that final purchase , I waited at least a few months until I received my order .
Then , when my order finally came through my door and I opened that crate , I was amazed at how beautiful my new partner is . Within that instant , I unstrapped my new woman from my crate , took her upstairs to my bedroom and slept with her .
Since then , I’ve always been happy and had never sought a relat

(50 People Likes) What unexpected issue will have an impact on America that no one sees coming?

s. Entitlements are growing rapidly and the baby boomer tidal wave is about to hit. There are no easy answers for clo libidoll usahane air sex doll ing the deficit which is approaching double the defense budget (think about that for a minute). The debt is now a large portion of GDP, so expect some major pain as the politicians continue to avoid actions nobody wants. U.S. National Debt: $1.1 Million Per Taxpayer
Unfunded liabilities at the state and city level. Many smaller government bodies have massively underfunded pensions. Are you going to bail them out? Each Chicago household on the hook for $82K in local government debt
. Illinois’ debt per taxpayer worse than during Great Recession despite national growth
The big one on the west coast. Look at the housing crisis caused by some homes in a wildfire. Imagine half of San Francisco being unsafe to live in. Loma Prieta was a 6.9 that caused only light shaking in the bay. USGS report: Bay Area quake could lead to massive loss of life, property
Superbugs. Research on new antibiotics doesn't pay and the bugs continue to build resistance. Flu pandemics could happen and are difficult to fight. 100 years ago, influenza killed as many as 50 million people. Could it happen again today?
Automation. Covered well by other answers. Machines can't be taxed to pay playroll taxes, much less a guaranteed basic income. See bullet one. Humans Need Not Apply - Wikipedia
Earthquake in NYC. There is a fault running through the city and a minor trembler would be devastating because of the brick construction. Could an earthquake hit New York City? History says yes, but not like 9.0 magnitude Japan earthquake - NY Daily News
Superfloods. In the 1800's, an atmospheric river stalled over CA and it rained for 43 and flooded the entire central valley to depths of 30 feet. California Megaflood: Lessons fro

(72 People Likes) What sites are safe to buy real sex dolls?

ard pressed to find any under $150ish at least.
That being said, Resinsoul and Bobobie have lower priced dolls and are fairly common (from what I know) for a first doll. I’ve discovered Doll Leaves has very well priced dolls as well!
You can find some retailers online that will have dolls in-stock that will sometimes be discounted. Companies sometimes have seasonal/holiday events, which often include a discount.
Any on Aliexpress or usually eBay will be recasts. If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is lol. There’s a ton of info online about recasts vs. legits so you’ll quickly learn the controversy surrounding that.
(Personally I’m not someone who thinks any less of a person beca

(50 People Likes) Can governments print unlimited currency or is there any international consensus?

all countries implies that there is a limited economic pie to divide and rules are required to protect each country’s interest…. It doesn't work like that, the global economy is dynamic - not a zero-sum game.
For example, there used to be a lot of alarm about our continual trade imbalance with China. Everyone was convinced that someday we would owe China for the years of borrowing,
But, the truth is we can maintain our trade imbalance with China in perpetuity
(Trump will f- this up, but, he didn’t need to). The reality was, China needed to create an export market for its product. So, it bought U.S. Debt, knowing that it would indirectly finance a permanent consumer for it’s product.
Why would China ever want to do this? Because their problem has nothing to do with the US. They’re worried about a revolution. The challenge they have is their Eastern manufacturing cities are absorbing 15 - 20 million peasants from the countryside every year.
Think about it for a bit, that’s 10 - 15% of their workforce. You gotta keep inflation low and exports high to keep them busy. The last thing you want is for them to be hungry (especially, because these peasants average 6 guys for every 5 ladies. (not exactly a good ratio for keeping violence in check)
This imbalance benefits both countries.
As an aside, the ridiculous tariffs Trump has imposed on China mainly benefits… Russia.
Giving China a new trading partner, reducing the attractiveness of maintaining the account deficit with the US and… most importantly, it will give Russia hard currency to use (and weaken G-7 control over Russian imperialism in the Ukraine) All the while, it will hurt U.S. farmers.
The only consolation about the tariffs, is it will hurt the dumb hillbillies who voted for Trump in Iowa and Minnesota (soybeans) Pennsylvania (downstream steel) and WalMart shoppers. China will win this one, Trump will blame MS-13 and Maxine Waters and his supporters will buy more MAGA shirts while they lose their homes
The problems with the Eurozone result from “Consensus” Monetary Policy
Greek and Spanish bailouts (accompanied by punitive austerity rules), Brexit and German anger over losses of their savings precipitate the end of the Euro as a common currency. With good economic leadership, both the high-saving Germans and the high-spending Greeks could have created robust economies with strong currencies. Instead the high saving Germans are using their savings to subsidize the Greeks (and, as part of that subsidy, punishing the Greeks for what effectively amounts to not-being-German (and, BTW, the German’s are entitled to be angry)
There are plenty of examples of bad monetary policy (the most famous was the Weinmar in Germany… which ironically caused them to be such reliable savers, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Hungary… Hyperinflation tends to happen as weak democracies

(90 People Likes) TPE or Silicone: Completely Safe, affordable and realistic.

l generally refers to a full-size sex doll, but they can also consist of just a head with a torso and hips, or of just the legs and hips. The best sex dolls are made with medical-grade TPE or silicone so that the dolls are completely safe and highly durable for long-lasting use. They’re also easy materials to clean and keep

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